T-17: Goin’ back to Houston, Houston, Houston

T-18Dean Martin had it at least partially correct; we’re goin’ back to Houston, but not because it is gettin’ lonely in this old town. We will leave all of our friends behind and go to the big city because that is where the healin’ is. Tomorrow is the next big day. Houston or bust, baby!

We picked Tara up at the airport last night – about three hours late. Two planes in Las Vegas didn’t want to leave Vegas. I guess they were afraid someone might not know the rules: What happens in Vegas … you know.

Final packing is today. In spite of the multitude of lists we’ve made, I am sure we will forget something that we will need down the road.

We received phone calls from Hospitality Ministries while in church yesterday. An apartment in a “free” location set up specifically for people with long term treatment in their future became available. After a bit of discussion, we decided to take it instead of the Brompton Apartments through Church Apartment Ministry. The only cost is a $100.00 cleaning fee. The down side is that the stay limit is 3 months. We will be in Houston for 4 months. We will have to move one time. Hopefully, we will have made friends who can help with this unexpected transition. I have no idea how I will feel three months from now.

So you can imagine we are tired from the late night, weary from packing, and excited about the journey. While we are leaving our friends behind, physically, many of them have volunteered to send us greetings on a regular basis through the magic of electronics. Facebook has its flaws, but is still a lifeline to those of us away from home. I will post our Fb addresses at the end of this post. Of course, if you are reading this, you know about the blog. Feel free to share it with your friends. It is our intention to continue this blog throughout the process.

I have been adding friends on Facebook lately. The most recent was last night. This new friend is middle aged with a youth’s blood disorder, aplastic anemia. We have shared over the past couple hours. Please pray for her. She contacted me through another FB friend who has started his treatment for a different blood disorder. He is about a month post stem cell transplant and is doing well. I found him through a recent reconnection with his grandmother, a former high school classmate. Funny how God puts us together at the appropriate time. Speaking of appropriate timing, I made contact with another former classmate, a bff without the forever part since we haven’t seen each other since graduation. He is at least a year post transplant – at MD Anderson. That is not to mention another FB friend with whom I made connections through a post on MD Anderson’s “Cancerwise” blog sight. Both these friends are part of my encouragement team.

God is indeed wonderful.

This post is short for obvious reasons. I’ll write more from Houston, Houston, Houston.


My Facebook address: www.facebook.com/harley.hudson

My Facebook page: www.facebook.com/harleyssuperheroes

My blog: www.harleyhudson.wordpress.com

Melanie’s Facebook Address: www.facebook.com/melanie.hudson




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